
Premiere of the project "In the name of Life"

The world premiere of the international project "In the name of Life" with the support of WHO and UNESCO, which brought together composers and performers from France, Turkey, Ukraine, and China, took place on September 16 at the National Opera of Ukraine. The author of the project is UNESCO artist in the name of peace Herman Makarenko.

The auditorium was filled with Ukrainian doctors, volunteers, veterans from all over the country. Since doctors are at the forefront for the second year in a row in difficult conditions with extreme risk, thanks to the concert, it is possible to say "thank you" to all doctors in Ukraine.

In a video address during the concert, UNESCO Deputy Director-General Eduard Firmin Matoko stressed that the audiovisual content created within the project will be part of the global ResiliArt movement, and the video version will be seen by all doctors around the world!

We were especially pleased to become a patron and partner of the project led by the founder Nadiia Ratke, who flew in from Germany to support the doctors and see their happy eyes.

"I am glad that we joined the organization of the holiday for doctors, the evening of classical music - they have the right to do so. With the concert, we express our gratitude to all doctors of Ukraine and the world", - Nadiia Ratke, founder, chairman of the IOSJ Ukraine Foundation.

Among the honored guests who attended the event were Tatiana Lomakina, Commissioner of the President of Ukraine on Barriers, Natalia Pushkareva, Commissioner for Volunteering, Japarova Emine, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Igor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Serhiy Dubrov, President of the Association of Anesthesiologists and others.
2021-09-17 13:25 events