Establishment of the Ukrainian International Financial Center
The economic stability and investment climate in Ukraine is our most ambitious goal, which will be achieved by the establishment of the Ukrainian International Financial Center (UIFC). Our team has already hired leading foreign specialists to work on it.
International financial centers operate successfully in many countries, allowing them to get ahead of other participants in the region, moving towards economic growth. For example, International Financial Centers such as London, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai are market-driven mechanisms that help manage global cash flows, attract investment in business and government infrastructure projects, and create new products. As a rule, they have more flexible regulation, which allows entrepreneurs to significantly reduce tax costs and not waste time on bureaucracy.
The main reason for the UIFC establishment is economic growth. Now it is important for Ukraine to diversify its economy, look for additional sources of tax revenue, attract investors and ensure GDP growth.
The UIFC will allow investors to benefit from the country's economic growth by investing in the Ukrainian economy. IFC as a structure offers an excellent platform for international investment companies, including English law and tax benefits, as well as the protection of foreign investors.
IFC members operate in areas such as banking, insurance, stock market, asset management, private banking, credit ratings, legal advice, accounting, holding companies and more.
This entity will provide not only convenient conditions for investment, but also guarantees of reliability. One of the main advantages of the center is its independence from the domestic judicial and political system. The IFC operates by British law. Therefore, complex categories of cases are considered by a British court, which ensures trust, meets the highest international requirements and arouses the interest of market players.
The main task of the financial center is not to create new products, but to create comfortable conditions for their emergence, building an institutional infrastructure that can be used by entrepreneurs from around the world. With the help of the UIFC, they will be able to resolve disputes from anywhere in the world, with the involvement of the best judges with an impeccable reputation, manage their assets and invest in new instruments.